Pet Valentines Roses

What Is Pet Theft Awareness Day?

Alongside celebrating Valentine’s day, it is also a day to show some extra love to our fabulous pets! It is no secret that humans and animals share a bond of infinite trust and a great sense of belonging. However, being separated can cause extreme distress to both the owner and pet.

Pet Theft Awareness day was introduced in 1988 by actor Chris DeRose to raise awareness about the do’s and don’t of pet safety. It is important that if you have a pet you are up to date on its security. For example leashing your dogs on walks, microchipping, and keeping your tags up to date. It is said that unneutered pets are targeted as they can be bred from and can produce desirable offspring. If your pet goes missing you should take immediate action. You can share photos on social media pages and groups, file a report with the police and your local pet shelter and talk to witnesses who may have been in the area at the time.

Pet with Rose for Valentines

5 Facts About Pet Theft

  • Statistics reveal that 2,000 dog theft crimes are reported to the police each year. These figures are rising around 3.5% each year.
  • 1 in 3 pets will go missing at some point in their lives.
  • Pit Bulls, French Bulldogs, and Yorkshire Terriers are some of the most targeted breeds of dogs to go missing.
  • Less than 20% of stolen or missing dogs return safely to their homes.
  • Pet Thieves earn a fortune by breeding stolen dogs and selling them to unsuspecting buyers.

Who Can Help If My Pet Is Lost Or Stolen?

If your pet is lost there are several things you can do:

  • Post to local Facebook groups – include an image of your pet and contact details in case they are found.
  • Post to Facebook groups dedicated to lost pets.
  • If you are in the Essex area, there is a wonderful volunteer search team called Bella’s Angels.
  • Contact local dog wardens, rescue centers, and vets.
  • Place flyers around the local community.
  • Report the incident to the Police if you believe your pet to be stolen.
  • Report to microchipping company.