Celebrating Our Apprenticeship Staff Member

This week we are celebrating Millie – our lovely apprentice as it is after all National Apprenticeship week.  Millie has just started with us on her journey and hopes to pursue a career in the kennels and cattery industry.

Apprentice Learning At Computer

Why Are Apprenticeships Valuable?

It is a time when businesses and apprentices across the country recognize the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses, and the wider economy. Here at the Grange, we believe in helping staff members achieve their personal career goals and will always be supportive of this endeavor. We value teaching and aim to equip staff with the necessary skills to develop their training. Alongside this, we encourage anyone who wants the chance to help improve animal welfare in the UK. We are very passionate about the care of our animals in the kennels and cattery at The Grange Retreat – we will always aim to provide the best possible care for your pets.  To pass this onto Millie over her apprenticeship training will be very rewarding, for both us and her – we hope!

Apprentice with a dog

Theme For National Apprenticeship Week 2022

This year’s theme for National Apprenticeship Week is ‘Build the Future’ – it is all about reflecting on how apprenticeships can help individuals develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career.  It also aids businesses to develop a talented workforce that is equipped with future-ready skills.

To get to know a little bit more about Millie and how she feels about her apprenticeship we asked a few questions which you can read below. If you have any additional comments or questions please feel free to message or leave a comment on our Facebook page!

Meet Millie - Our Apprenticeship Superstar

  • Do You Have Any Pets? What Was Your First Pet?

    Ever since I was a child I have loved all pets big and small – from gerbils to horses. My first pet was a little brown rabbit with grey ears called George and I adored him. Since then I’ve had 2 more rabbits, 2 Guinea pigs, 7 fish of all different colors, 7 loan horses in my 10 years of riding, and a family dog who was a cavalier called Alfie. Currently, I have a Hermann tortoise called Pebbles and a corn snake called Ric. I also spend lots of time with my nan’s collie cross Rolo; walking and training him when I can. I currently have a loan pony called Quidaro who I am training, and I love seeing the improvements. There’s no better feeling than your hard work paying off.

  • What Ignited Your Love For Animals?

    I would say that our family dog Alfie and my first loan pony Soldier first ignited my love for animals, and created the dream that was to work with them. I have always loved how every animal is different and I have always wanted to help them progress and improve. When I was younger, I would always have my head in an animal book or spend hours watching animal documentaries.

  • What Are You Hoping To Gain From Your Apprenticeship?

    I am hoping to gain experience and learn new skills, as well as gain an understanding of how the kennel and cattery industry works. I am also hoping to pursue a career in this industry as I love it.

  • What Have You Enjoyed Most About Your Time Working At The Grange?

    The thing I have enjoyed most about working at The Grange is getting to know every one of the dogs and learning how each of them ticks. I love learning their personalities and seeing the more nervous dogs improve. Working with an amazing team has also made my time at The Grange enjoyable, and I love how each staff member treats every dog as their own and caters to each one’s needs.

  • What Advice Do You Have For Other People Looking To Enrol On An Apprenticeship?

    I would say that they should do it as it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. Harriet Ellis Training Agency has been amazing and I’m so grateful to both Harriet Ellis and The Grange Retreat for giving me this amazing opportunity. I love learning alongside gaining experience, as I believe it is the best way to get the essential skills and knowledge needed.