Dog Nails

Is Nail Clipping Necessary for Dogs?

The short answer yes – Nail clipping for dogs and cats is necessary.  Your pet’s nails must be kept to a reasonable length.  By reasonable we mean if a pet’s nails are touching the floor when they stand up, they could probably do with a trim.  Just like humans’ nails grow at different rates so some pets may need their nails clipped less often.

The surface on which your dog is regularly walked can also affect the frequency of nail clipping is needed since hard surfaces such as tarmac and concrete will wear down a pet’s nails.  Do remember, that your pet may have dewclaws though, so even if the nails on their feet are worn down this nail may still need a trim.

Nails that are too long can make your pet uncomfortable and pose a greater risk of being torn off and injured.

Cat Nails

Do Cats Need Their Nails Trimmed?

Cats’ claws should also be trimmed as part of maintaining their comfort and health.  Cats that regularly scratch may need their claws trimmed less often, but more elderly cats that are less active will most likely need their nails trimmed more often.

Another advantage to trimming cats’ claws is that it means less damage to furniture if they like a stretch and a scratch.

Should I Trim My Pet's Nails At Home Or Take Them To A Groomer?

There are two obvious reasons why you may want to take your pet to the groomer to have their nails trimmed; either you may not be completely comfortable with the task, or your pet may not be comfortable.  Inside of a pet’s nails is a vein called the quick that can be caught if nails are cut too short.  We understand that judging where the quick is can be difficult, especially if your pet has black nails.  We also understand that nail cutting can be traumatic for some dogs, especially if they have had their quick cut before.  A professional groomer knows from experience how short to cut nails and can do so safely, without injury.

The Grange Retreat offers nail clipping for cats and dogs and would be happy to assist if you would like to book an appointment.  Nail trimming without a groom costs only £5.

Nail Clipping Dog Tool

What Equipment Does The Grange Retreat Use for Nail Clipping?

We have a variety of nail clippers for different sizes of nails.  We believe Thunderpaws nail clippers to be the best.  These have a protective guard to avoid over clipping and are a professional grooming product.  If we have an anxious pet in for a nail clip we also like to use a distraction, this may be cuddling from another staff member or a licky-mat with paste for the foodies!