Dog At The Grange Retreat Kennels

Should Dogs Be Kennel Cough Vaccinated If They Don't Use Kennels?

Keeping our pets at their healthiest is a priority for dog owners. Vaccinations are a very important way to protect them against diseases.

This infection affects a dog’s airways and causes an infection in the respiratory system. It occurs when dogs come in contact with a few different germs but the main one is Bordetella bronchiseptica. Your dog DOES NOT have to be in a kennel environment to catch this infection. It can be spread by direct dog-to-dog contact usually through nasal secretions or coughing. Even just meeting one dog socially could infect your pet! Sharing bowls and toys is a common way that dogs are infected with kennel cough. It tends to spread the quickest where there is a high number of animals interacting in one space. This includes boarding kennels, dog shows, and public parks.

Dog At The Grange Retreat Kennels

How To Tell If A Dog Has Kennel Cough

Some symptoms of kennel cough include:

  • A harsh cough
  • A noise that sounds like something is stuck in their throat
  • Loss of interest in food
  • Runny nose
  • Low energy or less interested in their usual activities
  • A fever

Severe kennel cough could even turn into pneumonia which can be painful and difficult to treat.  Very young and very old dogs are at higher risk for complications of infection.

If your dog does have kennel cough it is advised to keep them away from other dogs for a couple of weeks and when exercising keeping them on a lead.

The Grange Retreat's Policy

Here at The Grange Retreat, it is compulsory for all dogs that stay with us to have the kennel cough vaccination this is to help stop the spread of the disease and to keep your pets safe and healthy. We also have a rigorous cleaning regime to kill germs and bacteria keeping The Retreat in tip-top condition.

Your vet is there to help advise you further about vaccinations and what would be right for your pet. So, if you are unsure, please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and have a conversation with them. All vaccinations recommended for your pet have been rigorously tested and wouldn’t be advised unless right for your furry friend.