Dog At The Grange Retreat

What To Expect From Dogs In Season

When a female dog reaches puberty, the reproductive cycle starts, this is often known as being ‘in season’ or ‘in heat’. It usually lasts around two to three weeks. Some signs to look out for would be a swollen or bleeding vulva, licking of this area, and weeing more than usual. Common behavioral changes include being over-friendly to other dogs, searching out prospective male partners, mounting or humping more frequently, and becoming more anxious and nesting.

There might not be obvious signs that a dog is in season, for instance, a dog may not bleed much, or even at all. Yet, she can become pregnant at any time during a season and for a few days afterward. Most dogs will have their first season when they are about 6 months old but this varies and can be as late as 2.5 years old. From then on most dogs have a season every 6-7 months (approx. twice a year).

Dogs in onesie for season

What can I do?

Your dog will be feeling hormonal and probably a bit confused during her season, so it is important to keep her happy and distracted. Keep her entertained by playing games and giving her things to do in the house such as treat-filled toys and take her on walks away from other dogs to keep her calm. To avoid an unwanted pregnancy you will need to supervise her the whole time she is in season, keep her on a lead and away from other dogs on walks, avoid leaving her alone in the garden and keep her completely separated from uncastrated males (including any that live in your household). Some dogs bleed heavily during their season and others are much lighter. To keep your house clean you may want to limit your dog’s access to carpeted areas, sofas, and bedding, use towels or consider using a dog nappy to catch the blood.

Dog at the vets

Preventing Unwanted Pregnancies

Spaying your dog will prevent all future pregnancies. A vet will remove both the ovaries and usually the uterus. In female dogs, they must be spayed at the right time. For example, many vets will avoid spaying a dog while she’s in season or if she’s showing signs of false pregnancy in the weeks after a season. You may be worried that your dog’s personality will change but is unlikely that this will happen. If you are concerned your vet will be there to guide you and help you make the right decision.

For more information, you can visit sites such as Blue Cross or PDSA.

Dog At The Grange Retreat

Dogs In Season At The Grange Retreat

At the Grange Retreat, we always try to accommodate every dog including those in season. We ask that you let us know and we will do our best to try and aid your pet’s cycle. If you are unsure whether your dog is in season, we are happy to show you what to look out for and how to check. As a general rule, we will never walk intact males and un-spayed females together anyway. If your dog is in season we will either walk her on her own or in a group socially with other female dogs.